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Сибирское здоровье в Индии   ऑनलाइन स्टोर  

































Сибирское здоровье в Индии    Siberian health in India >>>  भारत में साइबेरियाई स्वास्थ्य >>>  ऑनलाइन स्टोर >>>

Купить продукцию Корпорации «Сибирское здоровье» в Индии можно:

1) Через интернет-магазин компании

2) Пройти бесплатную регистрацию и покупать продукцию с выгодой до 25% в  офисе компании

Преимущества регистрации в статусе «Привилегированный Клиент»:

  1. 25% с Ваших покупок будет возвращаться на Ваш бонусный счет, если Ваши покупки в месяц составят 100 баллов и более;

  2. 10% с Ваших покупок будет возвращаться на Ваш бонусный счет, если Ваши суммарные покупки с месяца регистрации составили $400 (300 баллов) и более;

  3. 5% с Ваших покупок будет возвращаться на Ваш бонусный счет, если  Ваша первая покупка составила $40 (30 баллов) и более.

Стать Привилегированным Клиентом

Адреса офисов Корпорации «Сибирское здоровье» в г. Дели:

Дели R66000 310/311 Pearl Best Heights Tower-1, Netaji Subhashh Palace New Delhi- 110034 011-42230377

आप भारत में साइबेरियाई स्वास्थ्य निगम के उत्पादों को खरीद सकते हैं:

1) कंपनी की ऑनलाइन स्टोर के माध्यम से

2) मुक्त करने के लिए रजिस्टर और कार्यालय में अप करने के लिए 25% की एक लाभ के साथ उत्पादों को खरीदने

"पसंदीदा ग्राहक की स्थिति में पंजीकरण के लाभ»:

अपनी खरीद का 25% अपने बोनस खाते में लौटा दी जाएगी यदि आपके मासिक खरीद 100 अंक या अधिक के लिए राशि;

पंजीकरण के महीने से अपने कुल खरीद $400 (300 अंक) या अधिक की राशि अगर अपनी खरीद का 10% अपने बोनस खाते में लौटा दी जाएगी;

अपनी खरीद के 5% अपने बोनस खाते में लौटा दी जाएगी यदि आपकी पहली खरीद $ 40 (30 अंक) या अधिक था.

एक पसंदीदा ग्राहक बनें

दिल्ली में निगम "साइबेरियाई स्वास्थ्य" के कार्यालयों के पते:

दिल्ली r66000 310/311 पर्ल सर्वश्रेष्ठ हाइट्स टॉवर-1, नेताजी सुभाष पैलेस नई दिल्ली-110034 011-42230377

You can buy the products of the Siberian health Corporation in India:

1) Through the company's online store

2) Register for free and buy products with a benefit of up to 25% in the office

The benefits of registering in the status of "Preferred Customer»:

25% of Your purchases will be returned to Your bonus account if Your monthly purchases amount to 100 points or more;

10% of Your purchases will be returned to Your bonus account if Your total purchases from the month of registration amounted to $400 (300 points) or more;

5% of Your purchases will be returned to Your bonus account if Your first purchase was $40 (30 points) or more.

Become A Preferred Customer

Addresses of offices of the Corporation "Siberian health" in Delhi:

Delhi R66000 310/311 Pearl Best Heights Tower-1, Netaji Subhash Palace New Delhi - 110034 011-42230377

1 февраля 2015 года к международной команде «Сибирского здоровья» присоединилась 25-я страна – красочная Индия! Страна богатой культуры и истории, буйства красок и благоухания ароматов дружелюбно приняла Компанию из далекой Сибири.

Центр обслуживания Компании находится в столице страны и деловом центре Индии – многомиллионном Дели. Роскошный двухэтажный офис занимает два здания площадью 450 кв. м. Красивое, светлое помещение с отделкой из белого мрамора вызывает не просто восхищение, но и горячее желание зайти внутрь.

Торжественное открытие Представительства Компании "Сибирское здоровье"собрало около 100 человек и прошло по индийским традициям: с живыми цветами, зеленью и изысканным угощением. Жители Индии издавна выбирают для себя средства на основе трав и растений, поэтому продукция из сердца Сибири вызвала у них нескрываемый интерес.

В уютном конференц-зале Лидеры Компании познакомили гостей с возможностями развития бизнеса с «Сибирским здоровьем». Деловое общение перешло в дегустацию натуральной продукции. В результате были подписаны первые Соглашения и приобретены средства для поддержания здоровья и красоты.

Отзывы гостей События:

Наталья Ровенская, Партнер Компании: «Открытие шикарного Представительства в Индии вызвало у людей большой интерес. После презентации Компании гости еще долго обсуждали планы и стратегию развития бизнеса. На Событии присутствовали не только гости из Дели, но и из регионов!»

Людмила Михалькова, Партнер Компании: «Открытие Представительства в Дели прошло в праздничной атмосфере! Роскошный, прекрасно оснащенный офис, подготовленные мастер-классы для тестирования продукции и приветливый, профессиональный персонал вызвали настоящий интерес к Компании и продукции. Мы благодарим Руководство Компании и Управляющую компанию за великолепную организацию открытия Представительства в Индии

Чолпон Мадалиева, Партнер Компании: «Открытие офиса в Индии прошло очень торжественно и динамично. Приглашенные были поражены красотой офиса, его убранством. Было очень приятно наблюдать соблюдение всех корпоративных стандартов Компании в сочетании с местным индийским колоритом и гостеприимством».

Siberian health in India >>>

February 1, 2015 year to international team "Siberian health joined the 25-country-colorful India! A country rich in culture and history, colors and scents fragrances rampage friendly took a company from the distant Siberia.

The company's service center is located in the capital city and commercial center of India -a multi-million dollar New Delhi. Luxurious two-story office building occupies two area 450 sq.ft. m. Beautiful, bright room with white marble evokes not just admiration but also a burning desire to go inside.

The solemn opening of the Representative Office of the company "Siberian healthbrought together about 100 people and passed on by the Indian tradition: from fresh flowers, greenery and exquisite food. Residents of India have long been opting for funds based on herbs and plants, therefore, products from the heart of Siberia has caused them undisguised interest.

In the cosy Conference Hall of leaders of the company introduced guests with business opportunities with Siberian health. business communication was a tasting of natural products. As a result, the first agreements were signed and acquired the means to maintain health and beauty.

Guest reviews for special events:

Natalya Rovenskaya, Partner: "discovery of the swanky offices in India caused great interest among people. After the presentation the company guests long discussed plans and business development strategy. The event was attended by not only guests from Delhi, but also from the regions! "

Lyudmila Mikhalkova, partner of the company: "open a representative office in New Delhi was held in a festive atmosphere! Luxurious, well-furnished Office prepared master classes for testing products and friendly, professional staff provoked a real interest to the company and products. We thank the management of the company and a management company for the excellent arrangements made for the opening of offices in India

Cholpon Madaliyeva, partner of the company: "the opening of an Office in India was very solemnly and dynamically. Invited were impressed by the beauty of the Office, its decoration. It was very nice to observe compliance with all corporate standards in conjunction with the local Indian flavor and hospitality.

A taste of Siberian Health for Indian consumers


Novosibirsk-based Siberian Health International, a direct sales company producing biologically active supplements and skin care products using herbs from the Baikal Lake and Altai Mountains, is discovering fresh opportunities in the burgeoning Indian beauty and personal care market.

cities within

By opening its office in Lajpat Nagar, the bustling market of the South Delhi, Siberian Health International, a Russian from Novosibirk, Siberia, has challenged the common perception of India as the largest exporter of healthcare and cosmetic products to Russia. India is a huge market for selling personal care products too, the company believes, especially when the product has some unique features.  In case of Siberian Health, it is the herbs and minerals collected from Baikal Lake and Altai region of Russia known for their unique ecosystem.

Siberian Health Corporation was established in 1996 by two young entrepreneurs, Evgenij Volikov and Tatiana Gorohovskaya. By 2001, the company had its own Research and Innovation Center located in Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk. The center conducts medical and biological research for developing new recipes for the company’s health products based on science. Since 2004, the company started its international expansion in CIS countries, Europe and US. Within a decade, Siberian Health launched business in more than 20 countries, with India being the 25th one.

“We opened our office in Delhi on February, 1. It was a so-called technical launch, although the sales operations have already started. For the next three months, we will be looking at the response. And by the end of April we are planning to have an official opening supported by advertising campaign and other activities,” Aislu Babakanova, the Head of Start-Up Department, Siberian Health International, told RIR in a telephone interview.

According to her, Siberian Health International Private Limited was registered in India about a year ago, but it took quite long time to register the brand and all the products, as India is not an easy country in terms of bureaucratic procedures.

 “India is interesting from many points of view.  There is a large Indian diaspora in Russia as well as in US, and there were many people who were interested in our products, some of them were even sending our products to India,” says Babakanova. “People started asking where to buy our products in India, so we decided why not to enter India. We conducted market researches and understood that we can be competitive, even though India is the global pharmaceutical giant. Moreover, we not only offer products for health and beauty care, but also a business”.

Siberian Health is a direct sales company,which means the products are sold face-to-face, directly by independent salesperson to the consumer. It is also known as multilevel marketing where actual sale sales happens at the end of a chain of distribution and all members of the chain receive compensation in some way or the other.

Carving a unique niche

The company started appointing sales representatives (called “partners” in the company terminology) in India and has several partners from Russia who arrived to India to develop sales here. Nikolay Kislov, one of such partners, believes that Siberian Health products will have a unique niche in Indian personal care market, as they are completely organic. “This is eco-cosmetics, we do not use parabens, sulphates, artificial colours, petrochemical cleansers and so on, and we don’t test products on animals”.

Babakanova adds that Siberian Health is focusing on eco approach and is engaged in charity work in the environmental field. “We protect Lake Baikal, forest reserves. In India after six months or so we are planning to start doing the same, probably, sponsoring some environmental projects, parks, lakes, rivers. It is a part of our strategy in all countries”.

Growing Market

India Direct Selling Association(IDSA), which has about 20 members, including international giant like Oriflame, Amway, Herbalife and others, estimates the direct selling industry to touch over US$ 1.74 billion by 2014-15, up by almost 70% from 2011-12.

Rajat Wahi, partner and Head of Consumer markets, KPMG India, says while the global direct selling industry estimated to be US $ 167 billion in 2012-2013, in India it was only US$ 1.15 billion. The industry has been the fastest growing non-store retail format, recording a double-digit growth of more than 20-22 per cent over the past five years, and has a huge potential for further growth.

The IDSA’s 2014 survey claims the industry may reach US$ 5.46 billion by 2019-20 while KPMG experts believe that the industry has the potential to reach US$ 10.3 billion by 2025. The Asia-Pacific region forms the largest direct selling market in the world, with a share of 44 per cent followed by North America, Central and South America (20 per cent share each) and Europe (15 per cent), according to KPMG. However, direct sales in India still form only around 0.4 per cent of the total retail sales, which is far lower than in other Asian countries and comparable economies (China or Malaysia, for example).

 According to experts, wellness, cosmetics and personal care segments dominate the Indian direct selling market accounting for about 47 per cent share. The industry engages about 5.8 million people, most of whom are women, and this number may grow to 18 million by 2025.

Making mark in India

Babakanova says for next year Siberian Health will be testing the market. “India, in terms of size, is like eleven Russias. Considering our sales volumes in Russia, we understand what we can achieve in India. However, we are yet to establish ourselves in the market, we understand that sales volumes won’t happen instantly,” she adds.

Oriflame, Amway, Herbalife and Avon, selling healthcare and beauty care products, will be the main competitors for Siberian Health in terms of business model while scores of local Ayurvedic brands will pose tough competition from the organic features point of view. In terms of pricing, according to Nikolay Kislov, there are product available for different categories of consumers, with the prices varying from 350 INR (US$ 5.6) to 4000 INR (US$ 64). 

The Russian company is planning to open offices in Mumbai and Bangalore and some other cities within next six month through franchising model. The company also plans to add two more offices in Delhi.

At present, among 25 foreign counties where Siberian Health is operating, it’s operating successfully in Belarus, Mongolia, Germany and the Czech Republic for five-seven years. In the United States also, it has been very successful. “Among our new countries it is Vietnam, which started being profitable just 1.5 years after launch. Last year, we have launched in Poland and Spain. In Europe, most of the sales are happening via Internet as it has good penetration there. It is not yet clear how it will be in India,” Babakanova says.

Industry experts point out that direct marketing business is complicated in India, as a number of companies have used the same model to conduct fraudulent activities and the impact these frauds had on the industry poses biggest challenge to its growth. The IDSA has been demanding a separate legislation for direct selling industry in India and its exclusion from Price Chit Fund Money Circulation Act (PCMCS Act) for years.

“PCMCS Act in its present form is unable to distinguish genuine direct selling companies … from pyramid or Ponzi schemes. Like other countries, India needs to amend this act and create a conducive legal environment for the Industry,” said Ajay Singha, executive director of The American Chamber of Commerce in India (AMCHAM India), while commenting on the arrest of Amway India CEO William S. Pinckney by the Andhra Pradesh police at Gurgaon in May 2014. 

В интернете можно найти по поиску: сибирское здоровье в Индии сибирское здоровье, каталог, корпорация, красота, здоровье человека, продукция, цены, прайс,  доступные продукты для здоровья и красоты, .косметика, www sibvaleo com, sibvaleo com, sibvaleocom.ru,, лимфосан, тема, здоровье семьи, сайт, здоровый образ жизни, БАД, Санкт-Петербург, СП SIBERIAN HEALTH IN INDIA. CATALOGUE. www.sibvaleo.com. sibvaleo.com. official website of sibvaleo.orporation. the beauty of human health products. prices. ice list-available products for health and beauty


